


Looking to integrate Cognos within your current technology stack ? Or need help preparing for an implementation ? Not sure how to move from legacy solutions ? Discover more of the Oraios experience and approach here.

Big Data

Big Data

The diversity and volumes of data that organisations collect are changing daily. Information on what’s happening inside the organisation is no longer sufficient.

Virtualisation and Cloud Computing

Virtualisation and Cloud Computing

Reduce costs, shorten readiness timescales and capitalise on the ability to react quickly using IBM Cognos virtual and cloud computing solutions.

Health check and remediation

Health check and Remediation

There are times, for one reason or another, when projects don’t turn out as expected, and it’s at these times where a second opinion, or a health check, can be what the “doctor orders”.

Big Data


If you’re thinking about investing in IBM Cognos products and are unsure of which technology platform is suitable for your needs or budget, then perhaps we can help.

Big Data


Train your team and support them. Realise the investment made in your performance management solution.